Thursday, November 7, 2013

Open morning at PCS!

On Friday 8th November we were lucky to have students family members come visit us in room 20.
 These family members observed us doing our reading rotations and from time to time interacted with us giving us a little bit of advice. Mr and Mrs Grundy observed the Pukekos do their reading games while some Pukekos decided to work on their book work. 
At 10:00 Mr and Mrs Grundy shared with the whole class how school was back in their time and man am I glad of how it is now because back then they didn't have all these ipads, computers and laptops. Room 20 was also lucky because Kristein's mum, Shamita's mum and Jade's nana also had come to visit us.                                     By Liam and Amritha.

St Christophers.

On Friday the 1st of November we were lucky enough to spend some time at St Christophers. We read stories and sang to the residents there. We hope you enjoy our pictures!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Blog Squad!

We are Room 20's new Blog Squad!
We will keep you up to date about the learning and happenings in Room 20.
Check out the blog to see what we will post next..

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Room 20s learning.

In term 2 Room 20 has been focusing on Tonga for their Investigating studies topic. We have been comparing Tongan life to New Zealand life by watching a Tongan lifestyle videos. Once we had watched the video we wrote in our topic books what we saw in the video and how that life is compared our New Zealand life.

In writing we have been focusing on explanation writing.
Our writing sample is coming up and we have been gathering as much knowledge of rubbish as we can as that is writing topic for this sample. Our main focus though is pollution but the class decided to narrow it down to rubbish as that is a real part of pollution.

In maths this term we are doing all of our revising and completing assessments to show what we have learned and what we need to improve on. I feel very confident about my Place Value and really enjoy completing Place Value tasks.

In Reading we have been using these strategies Predicting, Self Monitoring, Inferring and Activating Prior Knowledge. These strategies have helped us in a huge way with our comprehension. We have been focusing on self monitoring as we are doing our reading assessments.

So that is what we have been  doing in Room 20 during term 1 and term 2.

By:Liam Nguyen

The Amazing Hiwi the Kiwi show

On the 14th of may the whole school gathered in the school hall for the Hiwi the Kiwi show. It was lead by one the most funniest people alive the Minstrel. He gave us a very good idea of what size of fish we could take home and what sized fish we had to put back.  The Minstrel gave away a lot of stickers to many students but there was a grand prize for one lucky winner and that lucky winner was Gurshan Basara who was in Room 22. He received a sticker, a fishing hat and a fishing news
magazine. The Minstrel was one of the most greatest singers ever. While Mrs. Minstrel danced her heart out showing us the dance moves. The Minstrel told us a lot of stories about previous schools he had visited and how his show had got into a lot of kids. One of the stories was how A man caught
a 40 pound snapper and boy was it big. so he had put the fish in the boat, but then his daughter said
“Dad put the fish back”. But what the father didn’t know was that his daughter had been to one of the Minstrel’s shows. So the dad gently put the fish back into the water and the daughter just smiled.
We also learned that you should always wear your life jacket when your on a boat. So that's what we learned about sea conservation.

By:Liam Nguyen