Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Term Two Drama Fun

In term 2, 2015, Room 20 did drama.  First we got into our house groups.  Then Miss Lee called out things to act.  We acted like animals in the big zoo.  Here are some photos for you to laugh at.

Here are the elephants and tigers.

Here is the zoo keeper feeding the frog.

More weird animals.

The lion is going to eat the frog - watch out!

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Trip Photos  

When room 20 went to the Youth line, we learnt about the World War one and World War two.  Room 20 made medals at the Youth line.  Then we went to the RSA to look at the different medal colours from different countries.  Here are some pictures that some of Room 20's class members took while we were on the trip.  Room 20 really enjoyed that experience and learned so much more.  We will show you some photos!